
The use of honey and cinnamon powder

1. antibacterial
Honey and cinnamon have the potential to block the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi - helping to treat scratches and wounds.
Strengthen the immune system

Honey and cinnamon have antioxidant effects - destroy harmful cells, bacteria, viruses, boost the immune system.

3. Anti-aging
Drinking honey and Cinnamon powder regularly helps control free radicals involved in the aging process, helping to increase longevity.
4. Heart disease

Honey and cinnamon are used to lower cholesterol levels and help to restore arteries and veins, and improve circulation - reducing the risk of heart attacks.

 5. Treating asthma

People caused by asthma suffer from symptoms like repetitive coughing, chest obstruction, wheezing, sinus irritation, difficulty breathing. This chronic disease is characterized by inflammation, swelling, and airway spasm passing through and increased production of mucus in the passage.

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